The Self Care Formula that Works

Happy New Year everyone new readers and old, those in warm places and those here in the not so warm place.

When I reflect back on 2017, I remember setting all kinds of health goals the first week of January. Of course many of us go through the laundry list of areas in our health we want to improve on. From trying to lose weight, getting more active, reducing stress, overcoming fear etc, we set the bar really high and we often fail.

I believe this is true for so many of us because we tend to pick not just one goal but multiple goals at the same time and try to change a lot all at once. This can be overwhelming to the point where we simply default back to our regularly scheduled routines. Sound familiar?

So in 2017, I decided I did not want to fail at these goals like previous years by taking so much on. I wanted to make changes that were long lasting and doable. This is what I did…

Pick one self care strategy/goal and implement it for 1 month. Do this activity every single day of that month. By the end of the year, you have made 12 changes in your health habits. Here are a few of the lifestyle changes I was able to make utilizing this strategy:

  • Kicked caffeine to the curb for a month (I reach for water instead to stay hydrated)
  • Completed a 30 day yoga challenge (and continue to practice yoga regularly to reduce stress)
  • Gave up added sugar for a month (successfully lost 3 pounds as a side benefit)
  • Mediated for a month (helped me shift my negative self talk to positive self talk)
  • Started journaling everyday for a month (documenting what I am grateful for keeps me balanced)

Interestingly, once I implemented these strategies, I did not resort back to old habits, I’ve kept them all and feel far better as a result. I don’t buy into programs that help you become healthier. I believe in listening to yourself to find out what you truly need to move towards a healthier you. If you try this strategy, let me know if it works for you or if you have another formula that works, please share it!

“Making Wellness Contagious”

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