Overcoming Social Media Addiction

Overcoming Social Media Addiction

In a digital world, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of social media posts. With so many different platforms to share photos and status updates, it won’t take long before you find yourself spending countless hours on even just one platform. Social media addiction is a very real thing, and it can be one of the toughest hurdles to overcome. For myself, this has been a hard one for me, and I know I’m not the only one. So, in a world that thrives on social media shares and Instagram-worthy lifestyles, how can we overcome it? 

Set boundaries and a time limit for screen time

It’s important to set boundaries to keep yourself from spending too much time on social media. This could be by not allowing yourself to check social media during certain times of the day, or even in certain rooms of your home! 

Turn off notifications

Turning off notifications for your social media accounts will help you also cut back on your usage! Many times we check social media whenever we get a notification when we would have otherwise not. To help avoid the temptation, turn off notifications on your devices and check them whenever you sign in instead.

Bring an intention into your social media usage

If you want to break your habit, you have to be aware of your habits. Do you scroll through Instagram to avoid getting out of bed? Be intentional about your usage and aware of how much you are using those channels.

Ask, am I here to consume or create?

Whenever you sign in, ask yourself if you are there to create something or consume.

Bring power back with powering the device down

When was the last time you turned off your phone? I’m not talking about putting it on silent, but powering down your device. Not only is this good for your devices, but this will help avoid the temptation to sign on to check Facebook real quick.

Pull social media apps into one folder labeled “Distractions”

It’s essential to call out social media platforms for what they are, distractions! Label a folder on your phone or tablet called Distractions. Let this be the place where your social media apps live and don’t check them unless you’re ready to take on the responsibility of being distracted.

Call to connect with a loved one instead

The main reason we joined these channels in the first place was to connect with friends and family. We use social media as a tool to stay connected to these people even when we can’t speak. However, if you want to connect with a loved one, the best way to do this is by picking up the phone instead! 

I admit that I am guilty of endlessly scrolling on social media. However, learning to break that habit now can help lead you to a much more fulfilled and content life! I would love to know your hacks for breaking the social media habit. You never know who else you could be helping by sharing your tips and tricks!

“Making Wellness Contagious”

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