One Word to Remember in 2020 – Basics

One Word to Remember in 2020 – Basics

I’ve realized over the years, that it’s the basics and the simple things that we do, that have the largest impact on our quality of life and our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual state of being. You most likely don’t need some long treatment plan or therapy, you just need to get the basics down.

You’re already breathing. 

You’re already eating. 

You’re already drinking. 

You’re already thinking.

You’re already moving. 

You’re already sleeping 

The problem is, you’re breathing shallowly, eating mindlessly, hydrating minimally, thinking negatively, moving improperly, and sleeping terribly. 

Everyone wants some secret pill or some new age practice to change their life, but still haven’t mastered the basics. 

✅ Learn to breath deeply. 

✅ Learn to eat mindfully. 

✅ Learn to hydrate efficiently. 

✅ Learn to think positively. 

✅ Learn to move skillfully. 

✅ Learn to sleep optimally. 

You’re already doing everything you need to do to live in a healthy way, you just don’t do them as effectively as you could, likely because you take them for granted and don’t recognize the value of these behaviors. 

If you master these 6 elements, every area of your life will improve for the better. 

“Making Wellness Contagious”

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