By: radmin
October 24, 2018
Mega Time For Me Tip: Set the tone for the day!
Start your day or week off by complimenting someone! Sincere compliments benefit both the giver and the receiver and set a healthy, positive tone for the day! Compliments can be like boomerangs and come back to you!
We all need someone in our lives we can trust, and the more we build up others the more we’re also building up ourselves. #megatimeforme #selfcare
This tip originally appeared as part of the 2018 Mega Health at Work Time For Me Autumn Mental Health Self-Care Challenge, designed to promote positive mental health activities and awareness. But it’s valuable at any time of year, so we’ve decided to include it in our regular blog.
Keep an eye open for our next Time For Me Mental Health Self-Care Challenge, coming next spring!