Mega Time For Me Tip: Gather Your Thoughts!

With our busy schedules, it can be difficult to sort out our thoughts. But if we don’t reflect on where we’ve been, we won’t know where we’re going. A journal is a great way to gather your thoughts, explore your options without risks, and discover aspects of yourself you may never have considered before. Why not take some tonight or tomorrow and give journaling a try! #megatimeforme #selfcare

This tip originally appeared as part of the 2018 Mega Health at Work Time For Me Autumn Mental Health Self-Care Challenge, designed to promote positive mental health activities and awareness.  But it’s valuable at any time of year, so we’ve decided to include it in our regular blog.

Keep an eye open for our next Time For Me Mental Health Self-Care Challenge, coming next spring!

“Making Wellness Contagious”

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