Category: Mental Health

How to Use Early Intervention to Lower Long Term Absences in the Workplace

By: radmin
March 11, 2020
At some point in your life, you may find yourself in need of time off to take care of a serious illness or crisis in your life. While you can...

One Word to Remember in 2020 – Basics

By: radmin
December 27, 2019
I’ve realized over the years, that it’s the basics and the simple things that we do, that have the largest impact on our quality of life and our mental, physical,...

Coping with December Blues

By: radmin
December 3, 2019
Judging by popular movies and television sitcoms, December should be a merry time of year, filled with festivities and family get-togethers.  Even when that family is somewhat dysfunctional, quirks and...

Reflecting on 2021

By: radmin
December 2, 2019
With our busy schedules, it can be difficult to sort out our thoughts. But if we don’t reflect on where we’ve been, we won’t know where we’re going. Take a...

Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation – Jim Thomas

By: radmin
November 11, 2019
“No, but thank you for thinking about me,” was my initial response when invited to apply for the Wounded Warriors Weekend camp held in Northern Saskatchewan this summer.   I said...

Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation – Clarence Grear, Cpl (ret), CD

By: radmin
November 11, 2019
Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation, Camp Independence The year was 2013 when I first heard about the Wounded Warriors’ Weekend Foundation retreat that was brought up by the Osiss co-ordinator of...

Overcoming Social Media Addiction

By: radmin
November 11, 2019
In a digital world, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of social media posts. With so many different platforms to share photos and status updates, it won’t take...

Why We Need to Challenge a Sedentary Lifestyle and Incorporate Movement Daily to Maintain Good Health

By: radmin
October 11, 2019
Did you know that the average Canadian will spend eight plus hours per day engaged in a sedentary activity? A sedentary lifestyle has many negative side effects, including an increased...

10 Signs You Have Mental Wellness

By: radmin
July 15, 2019
You know you have achieved a level of mental wellness when: -You can STAY PRESENT, focused and even positive when life’s chaos is causing most people to be fearful and distracted....

Journey through Stress and Trauma

By: radmin
June 20, 2019
In 2006, I attended a 10-day silent meditation retreat called Vipassana, where you spend 10-days in silence meditating on sensations in the body. Having earned a Bachelors of Engineering from...
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