Mega Health offers workshops to support all members of our community — individuals, business leaders, human resource professionals, employees, entrepreneurs, first responders (fire, EMT, police), nurses, teachers, therapists, hospice workers. Workshops are created for us to gain strategies to protect and promote our psychological health and wellbeing.
Check this link for a listing of all current workshops
MegaHealth offers workshops to support all members of our community — individuals, business leaders, human resource professionals, employees, entrepreneurs, first responders (fire, EMT, police), nurses, teachers, therapists, hospice workers. Workshops are created for us to gain strategies to protect and promote our psychological health and wellbeing.
“Making Wellness Contagious” is Mega Health At Work’s tagline and in support of that mission, we are committed to offering workshops, lunch and learns and consultative services to help you, your employees and business thrive.
Check this link as a possible source of funding for training at the Ontario Ministry Advanced Education and Skills Development
REGULARLY SCHEDULED WORKSHOPS (also available on-site)
Mental Health First Aid – Just as physical first aid is administered to an injured person before medical treatment can be obtained, Mental Health First Aid is given until appropriate treatment is found or until the crisis is resolved. Offered monthly, this 2-day, 12 hour workshop provides certification from the Mental Health Commission of Canada. It aims to improve mental health literacy, and provide the skills and knowledge to help people better manage potential or developing mental health problems in themselves, a family member or a colleague.
Mindfulness – There are many health benefits associated with practicing mindfulness including a reduction in stress, anxiety, depression. Clarity of mind and improved focus helps to improve decision-making skills and thereby increases productivity in your family and work life.
We offer the following workshops that may be held on-site at your office, or at a convenient location rented off-site. Workshops and presentations maybe be customized in content or length to suit your needs. All learning materials are included. Workshops are scheduled when pre-registration reaches the minimum number of 12 for individual participants or mutually agreed dates for group registrations of 12 or more up to a maximum of 25.
Lunch ‘n’ Learn – At Mega Health at Work, we are passionate about erasing the dangerous stigma surrounding mental health. We believe that one of the best ways to do this is through education and open discussion. To help facilitate this process, we are proud to offer informal lunch and learn sessions.
Trauma in the Nervous System and the Tools of Resilience – This 2-hour workshop will be available to book at your workplace for Police, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Services, Nurses, Correction Officers, Security and anyone who experiences trauma or wants to learn about trauma and its effects on the body will benefit from the knowledge offered. Protect against burnout and learn practical techniques you can use.
What Supervisors and Managers Need to Know – More and more in today’s workplace, Supervisors and Managers are called upon to manage and support staff struggling with mental health issues. Depression, anxiety, and other wellness disruptions are becoming serious productivity and performance issues. Few leadership or management training programs prepare managers for the challenges of supervising staff with mental health illnesses. In this engaging and informative 3-hour workshop you will learn not only how to effectively recognize mental health related concerns, but how to implement a practical process for supporting all employees in the workplace.
Preparing for Work-Related Trauma with your Significant Other – First Responders experience job-related stress that can have a severe negative impact on their personal relationships. The Make A Plan workshop guides these individuals in building skills and concrete plans so they can stay healthy, happy, and have more successful outcomes in their personal lives.
We understand that there are times when you may need to cancel. If that is the case, please let us know as soon as you can. You may be use the credit to enrol into the next available course or workshop. Contact Us.
“Making Wellness Contagious”